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1. What is the main Objective of the Project ?

  • Control and stop the capillary saline intrusion in the Vadamaradchi East Lagoon (VEL) which falls under Killinochi and Jaffna districts and thereby regenerating abandoned cultivable land into productive land by Transferring 15GL of draining into Elephant Pass Lagoon (EPL) as a wasted water.
  • Make use of Iranmadu Spill wasted water with a frequency of 46 out of 100 years with appropriate Diversion / Transfer Infrastructure limitation

2. Where is the required water coming to satisfy the project needs?

  • A legitimate question raised by KIA farmers is , so far, the KIA gazetted farmland does not receive water for a cropping intensity of 1.5 ( 8500 ha Maha and 4250 Ha Yala Paddy). So, it is unfair to take the water from Iranmadu Dam U/S unless their kind offer of Water Share to increase productivity of whole Kilinochchi district. Alternately, purchase water from idle farms based on market water trading rates.
  • Drainage reuse pumps will help to conserve water saved in IT, or use it at Yakkachi horticulture or as Tank fills with a user pays system with a payback to KIA farmers for any extra draw from their entitlement/ water rights.


4. Why do you need such a large amount of water namely 15GL which can irrigate 2000Ha of paddy land during the Maha season?

  • This 15GL of KIA water is shared to VEL for reclaiming the peripheral land of about 6000Ha (20 Km in Kilinochchi district starting from Kovil Vayal to EluthuMattuwal south) and 10 km in Jaffna district (EluthuMattuwal North to an approximate width of 2km on the western side of lagoon. This land being cropped in Maha (with effective rainfall and ground water utilisation) was abandoned due to capillary salinity intrusion, associated with coastal belt aquifer saline interface moving towards shallow lagoons with high evaporation extended to western side of the lagoon in Kilinochchi District.
  • In addition, it is known that the Ground Water (GW) in this coastal area gets depleted due to the extraction for water supply to towns and villages around the coast. A major portion of this 15GL is used to replenish the GW storage during July/August/September, and for a cash crop of at least 1000Ha, just after Yala in the western side of VEL lagoon covering villages ( Kovil vayal, Sankathar Vayal, Yakachi, Muhavil, Soranpattu, Mavilangai, Muhavil, Massar, Tharnankerny, Mulliyaddi, Pallai and EluthuMattuwal south) . 
  • Basically, sacrificing 2000Ha and regaining at least 6000 + 1000 = 7000Ha. This increases the overall productivity level (7000 – 2000) = 5000 Ha @ 4.5 tonne/Ha @ Rs 50,000 /tonne = Rs1.125Billion/annum. A huge regeneration project worthy of serious consideration.
  • The Investment on benefits of sealing the barrages at Thondamanaru and Upparu by the Government of Srilanka cannot be reaped unless this project is implemented.
  • Refer question 2 for sufficiency of 15 GL.

6. What If Augmentation supply is unable to provide the assumed 15GL (NE monsoon) and 2GL (SW monsoon) without any spill water from Iranmadu Tank?

  • Mahaweli Consultancy Proposal carried out in February 2017 indicates (d/s of Iranamadu, Kalmadu Tanks) alone can generate about 108.9GL as average rainfall run off; 86.0GL in Maha and 22.9GL in Yala from KIA / KalmaduIA.
  • In their 700 Ml/day pumping proposal, Mike 11 Rainfall-Run-off model was calibrated through 1/3/1984 – 30/11/1985 and verified (tested) with 1/10/1986 to 31/12/1989.
  • Dutch consultant proposal in Dec 2018 for pumped storage option assumed 70GL in Maha for a catchment of about
  • Based on above 2 proposals the approximate runoff yield adopted in Maha is 0.43 / 35 GL/ and in Yala 0.11GL/ This is about 17 / 14 GL in Maha and 4.4GL in Yala based on 40 km2 contributing area.
  • Specific yield factor of the catchment – refer Design of irrigation headworks for small catchment by A J Ponrajah 1982. A conservative estimated yield of 7.2 GL in Maha and 1 GL in Yala. In addition, mismatch flow through KIA supply system and On-farm excess from LB D3 contribution is also available.
  • In conclusion the yield at Diversion weir ranges from 8.2 GL (pessimistic value) to  4 GL (Optimistic value) with an assumed normal distribution of 95% (μ±3σ) confidence. Mean value being 14.8 GL (“μ”) and Standard deviation of 2.2GL (”σ”).
  • Our recent hydrological Model output confirms an available resource based on 250 ML/day infrastructure constraint is about 11.6 GL and 13.4 GL with and without Iranamadu dam spill. In addition, KIA variable loss component contributing at diversion pool of 3.4 GL is considered for Maha with a diversion total of 15GL during Maha .

8. Will the water flow by gravity across EPL at +0.0m aMSL?

  • It is all by gravity flow.
  • Augmentation starts at WL +9.2m aMSL (at Causeway) and finishes at +1.5m aMSL at VEL. It needs 5400 metres of pipe across EPL. Using three rows of 12.6 Km of 1400 mm dia. PE 100 pipe with an allowance of 100mm loss for 4 pits,  to deliver 250 ML/day around 1.8m aMSL  at the start of Mulliyan.
  • All online crossings are tabulated in Appendix as a structure list with technical details.
  • Importantly a Geometric network has been created, which can accumulate any entity attached to the system for planning and decision making purposes.

9. Do you consider any strategy for climate change which causes increase in high tide level to say +1.0m aMSL and yield reduction due to drought which Iranmadu tank, KIA demand increase by higher ETo and Diversion is unable to provide the 15GL as planned?

  • Yes, the allowed strategies to accommodate all scenarios to keep up the work done so far intact.
  • Operate VEL as 2 split Lagoons and potentially water quality will improve with flushing and will require less water from Iranmadu over time.
  • Purchase more water from Iranamadu at a higher rate / ML and keep it in the Dam.
  • Lower the desired minimum operating level (i.e. Increase the band width of operation depth)
  • Strict Control of GW extraction and usage in VEL during Maha as well as reducing the cropping intensity through remote sensing monitoring of the cropped area.
  • NCP water will give a helping hand at a higher price when available.
  • An Integration of all nearby catchment in NP to this Major Iranamadu Dam is a worthwhile Option to consider the underutilised Paranki Aru catchment resources ( Similar to 12 catchment Dam for Sydney water Supply)

11. Do you consider any payment for the 15GL water, where the rights belong to KIA farmers ?

  • Yes, If the 15GL minus appropriate offer by sharing water by KIA farmers / conserve water drawn from IT  will be paid at the prevailing rate (presently Rs10,000/acre  is the water traded rate for Maha @ 7ML/Ha) which  works out to approximately Rs 3000/ML with a 20% loss allowance. This is be paid to KIA farmers / Annum to be shared by 7000 farms proportionate to Gazetted ownership. Total payment to KIA community will be 15 GL – 3GL ( KIA existing water share kind Offer via 0.5 Cropping Intensity reduction) – (less) resources recouped via drainage reuse and conserved in IT.
  • See also Q12, 13 and 14.

12. How can you justify Rs 53.6 M /annum, if paid to KIA farmers is economically feasible to construct and run this project as planned?

  • On a cost-benefit analysis basis this project will payback any capital invested within 10 years. See Appendix NPV analysis. The Srilankan government agency such as ID, Water Resources Board will manage all aspects of this project. The project is justified through a user pays system is adopted. Beneficiaries pay back the resources at the prevailing rate. Indirectly Government of Srilanka benefits from the marginal increase in productivity by GDP increase. The chain continues and even Paddy Marketing Board gets its share of benefit. Regional / district level economy is improved and increased . Hence, VEL farmers or KIA non-Gazetted farmers or Yakachi Irrigation development farmers need not pay the full $53.6M. The social, ecological, communal, and health benefits are huge and must be taken into account. It must be shared by all beneficiaries including the Government of SriLanka. In summary Government must fund the project for the benefit of the nation based on the lesson learnt from Corvid 19 – Self-reliance and feeding our people.
  • It is not necessary to make any payment for the 15 GL – 3 GL of water transferred to VEL because this is less than the quantity of water is augmented at the Causeway and conserved in IT ( refer Question 2 above) . Hence it is a positive balance depending on the stake holder’s decision on where to use the water.
  • Also see answer to Q13 below.

12. How can you justify Rs 53.6 M /annum, if paid to KIA farmers is economically feasible to construct and run this project as planned?

  • On a cost-benefit analysis basis this project will payback any capital invested within 10 years. See Appendix NPV analysis. The Srilankan government agency such as ID, Water Resources Board will manage all aspects of this project. The project is justified through a user pays system is adopted. Beneficiaries pay back the resources at the prevailing rate. Indirectly Government of Srilanka benefits from the marginal increase in productivity by GDP increase. The chain continues and even Paddy Marketing Board gets its share of benefit. Regional / district level economy is improved and increased . Hence, VEL farmers or KIA non-Gazetted farmers or Yakachi Irrigation development farmers need not pay the full $53.6M. The social, ecological, communal, and health benefits are huge and must be taken into account. It must be shared by all beneficiaries including the Government of SriLanka. In summary Government must fund the project for the benefit of the nation based on the lesson learnt from Corvid 19 – Self-reliance and feeding our people.
  • It is not necessary to make any payment for the 15 GL – 3 GL of water transferred to VEL because this is less than the quantity of water is augmented at the Causeway and conserved in IT ( refer Question 2 above) . Hence it is a positive balance depending on the stake holder’s decision on where to use the water.
  • Also see answer to Q13 below.

15. What are the changes to the original proposal and the new proposal?

    • Uriyan Storage capacity is reduced from 4GL to 1GL. Iranamadu Spill water (46yrs out of 100 yrs.) will not be stored any more unless it is used as a RFJ by lowering the operating level of Thondamanaru barrage to +0.8m aMSL or filling the minor tanks in Killinochi District.
    • Iranmadu Tank is used effectively to transfer the required 15GL during July /August. The 15GL of rainfall runoff + other system losses reaching the Diversion pool is the critical deciding factor for all other small users. New non-gazetted lands 870 Ha in Maha, KIA gazetted areas reduced draw from IT(via Re-use pump). 400Ha Aqua pilot project, 10 community stock supply using tail end “Thuravu” = ON farm storage, filled 3 times/year using solar pump.
    • A provisional augmentation pump of 100ML/day is included at Drop OFF structure on D3 system to further reduce and conserve the Iranamadu water draw to the D3 system. This will start only when diversion flow is greater than downstream requirement on the augmentation system.  


17. Are there any losers in the proposed Project?

  • Yes. The looser in the proposed project is “Wild Prawn Cultivators” as the hydrologic regime cycle is changed. The change is caused by drawing water; net water transfer 15GL + RFJ water + other minor users through augmentation system 15GL Maha + 2 ML Yala for other beneficial use. This project is based on the environmental change being limited to 15% of the existing regime. However, this 15% limit was based on the Lagoon Evaporation and water allowed to sea via Chundikulam breach at +0.8m aMSL. This area is filled by sea water just before breach closes and water drained to sea with “wild Prawns” just after breaching without any inundation.

    It is important to understand the hydrological cycle of EPL and not change the environmental flows more that 15%.


19. Is it worth to consider a Retrofit project encompass the Cabinet approved (on 15 Oct 19) a phased implementation of RFJ project starting with Phase 1 and Phase 2 at a total cost of Rs3,609 million as recommended by the Dutch Consultants? Phase 1 may qualify for Co-financing under the Netherlands DRIVE programme. As such, for speedy and economic implementation, advisable to merge the 2 projects, namely RFJ and VEL. Merging the two projects appears feasible. In the current Dutch design, the high level pond in RFJ is filled by pumping from the low level pond. By merging the two projects, pumping can be avoided and replaced by the gravity main channel in the VEL Project. Merging would lead to substantial savings in the overall cost of implementing both projects independently. Savings in the productive land lost on infrastructure construction project is gravity oriented, and utilising water, which otherwise would run to the Sea?

    • The VEL project is a complete package and costs Rs8.7 billion. Any merger requires the completion of the VEL project. Only then the gravity flow is possible. If there are any beneficial features of the Dutch proposal they can be included. There are strong doubts about the need to spend the Rs 3.6 billion in addition to the above Rs 8.7 Billion . Though the Capital costs of the Dutch proposal appear attractive, pumping costs over the years will far outweigh the cost of the VEL project.
    • Also pumping has higher maintenance costs and is more unreliable.   
    • The infrastructure of the VEL project has a limitation to transfer only 250ML/d. Therefore, it cannot harness the entire drainage coming to EPL via Kanagarajan. It should be noted that the VEL project would supply water to 870 Ha of new non-Gazetted lands, which currently have no irrigation facilities in the KIA.
    • Mulliyan Canal is a diversion constraint with driving head unless it is operated by lowering the Thondamanaru Barrage operating level reduced from + 1.1 to +0.8 m aMSL. Which means the catchment resources need to drain to provide a supply from transfer water,
    • Do we require a storage that fills annually with infrastructure capacity restriction at Mulliyan canal without lowering VEL operating level ? Two lagoons with almost same level with Mulliyan canal ?
    • It is always better to have a smaller storage with high a high head rather a bigger storage at lower level and needs pumping
    • Higher storage inside EPL lagoon will have a benefit on Land Acquisition cost as it is crown land. But a high-level storage like Uriyan storage with more commendable area is much beneficial.
    • The VEL project could be expanded to capture and store the spill water at Yakachi minor tanks in Killinochi District may need an additional drink during end of Maha for a GW mound.


3. What is the plan for this 15GL?

  • There is 15 GL harvestable water during Maha, 2GL Yala and about 4GL / annum spill water @ 46% available in the system with infrastructure constraint of 250 ML/day. In addition, KIA farmers good will water share of 3GL gift for increased productivity ok Killinochi district via supplying non-Gazetted peripheral lands falls under rainfed rice crop. Total of 21.8 GL /annum. If air space @50% for 15 days is added, the total is 23.7 GL ( refer table above)
  • Part of the above 23.7 GL can be conserved into the Iranmadu Tank via supplying to the Gazetted Land via a drainage reuse pump 100 ML/day ( potentially at two locations with 75 ML/day and 25 ML/day), remaining water could be supplied to a New Non Gazetted land of 870 Ha surrounded in Uriyan Village under Maha and a provisional about 750 ha of new horticulture in Yakachi area that could be accommodated in wet years using 3.7 GL harvestable spill water and in dry years with reduced reuse of drainage pump.
  • What project does is simply re arrange the supply requirement so that at the end of Yala, there is 15 GL stored in the Dam for our objective. This is achieved through drainage reuse pump , water trading from sleepers to be paid and a user pay system from new developments & reclaim lands western side of VEL for a stretched length of 20 Km in Killinochi District and 10 Km in Jaffna District. We believe that in order to recoup the investment made by Government of Srilanka  on Thondamanaru / Upparu Barrage restoration to be meaning full, it shall be fully funded by government based on productivity / regional economy / GDP) together with good will gesture by KIA farmers water share contribution towards Killinochi District.
  • This 15GL will be used to keep the water level in VEL high enough (a ground water mound), so that the hydraulic gradient created by Sea water (with a barrier width of about 2Km) associated with tide (Max. Tide level at + 0.8m aMSL) will push down the saline interface towards sea and thereby salt water induced by capillary is prevented.
  • If WL in VEL is above +0.0m aMSL. then, every 100mm increase in WL indicates a 4metre thick water lens floating on saline water profile. However, Irrigation Engineer Sarva’s work done on 29/11/2016 in Nilaaavarai Well, proportionally indicates that the usable thickness of the good water (as per SLS standard) is only 2.0 metres, immediately after the rainy season.
  • IF WQ is greater than 1000 ppm, early release of 15 GL may be required depending on the adopted tolerance for JWS noting that KIA cropping intensity in Yala is less than 0.5. Therefore, capacity to deliver this 15 GL via KIA system is not an issue.

5. Is 15GL sufficient to arrest the whole VEL with a spread area of 30sq. km leaving a land mass in the middle of the lagoon?

  • It is just sufficient for the 4-month with an assumed cumulative lake evaporation loss of 500mm from July to October. Strategy adopted is when the water level falls below +0.4m aMSL, this 15GL is supplied around July / August to top up to +0.90m aMSL which is 100mm above the maximum tide level of +0.8m aMSL. This 500mm top up for is equal to 15GL. Operating band width is 500mm. An Operations Guideline (OG) below needs to be in place and refined depending with careful monitoring.
  • If this lagoon is used for JWS with a SLS standard water quality requirement of 1000 ppm, then in addition to the above OG , the release requirement shall satisfy based on above Water quality Threshold.

7. What is the plan to bring this 15GL from Iranmadu tank to VEL in Jul/Aug?

  • It is gravity  flow all the way.
  • Water will gravitate through a combination of existing KIA channels, pipes and lined canals.
  • The two existing channels in KIA-D3 system with drop off facilities, have a total capacity greater than 250 ML/day which is more than sufficient to transport the  required 15GL in 2 months (July/August)
  • This confirms that 15GL of water, could be transferred without diverting water from Kanagarajan Aru at the causeway. i.e. No Augmentation is  required and stream flow @ causeway is assumed NIL ( end of Yala Irrigation) .
  • Top up of VEL can be done at any time when there is a slack in the system or when extra water is available through the Augmentation system or even with NCP water.
  • Our proposed system could tap any spilled water (opportunity water) from IT (5 out of 10 years) and transfer 7.5 GL/month based on 250ML/day through augmentation system, provided VEL can accommodate this spill water, or River for Jaffna(RFJ) or filling all minor tanks in Killinochi District ( if space is available). Similarly, the proposed system could tap any Airspace water (opportunity water) above 34 ft gauge level in dam or > 140GL stored volume from IT (FSL @36ft with storage 148 GL) if it is a requirement for to avoid downstream flood and will assist RFJ or Minor tanks filling in Kilinochchi District. Refer 21/12/2018 flood details of 140 GL/day Inflow with Mankulam 250 mm rain in the afternoon was managed well with 77 GL/day outflow through radial gates without dam break. It is a big achievement by the Engineers to get approximately 50% reduction through routing.
  • A drainage re-use Pump(s) of 100 ML/day will supplement KIA lower D3 system commanding 900 ha, whenever there is extra augmented water available with priority for the new 870 ha Non-Gazetted Land under Maha season. Then this pump will supplement the 900Ha demand and conserve the water in IT. Alternately it is possible to partially transfer this water to Provisional Yakachi for irrigation purposes.
  • Finally, a small 1GL storage at Uriyan for balancing all the needs in KIA but not for VEL. VEL transfer Bypasses  the storage.
  • In short, our main storage is Iranmadu tank which will function as a multi- purpose storage avoiding the need for individual shallow storages. The evaporation loss of the 15GL of reserved water for VEL is part and parcel of the Yala water, if not reserved for the multi-use system.

10. Since water resources shared by KIA to VEL regeneration Project, where do you get the funds for implementation of project?

  • Funding shall come from Srilankan Government as its original investment on projects so far implemented to address the objectives to be meaning full and benefits to be reached to the people. Also , potential aid from foreign Governments/Agencies like ADB, World Bank etc. Already a Rs 3.609 billion is in the table after a feasibility study completed by Netherland Government. Phase 1 may qualify for Co-financing under the Netherlands DRIVE programme under direction of Mahaweli. Also, cabinet approved Sarasalai Pumped Storage with 800 ML/day PS may be downsized as this project will be able to supply good dam quality water throughout the year instead of short window of harvest.  The decision on funding should be taken    after review of all existing identified proposals by a reputable consultancy or Institution (IESL) , rank them on cost, life cycle cost ( if pumping), water quality improvement performance, resources transferrable with assumed environmental CAPP, reclamation of abandoned land, drought resilience, secondary benefits etc.
  • Capital Project cost is around Rs 8.7billion
  • Benefits are :
    • 6000Ha of regenerated land under Maha in VEL
    • 1000Ha of cash crop with a short new season in ( Jul/Aug/Sep) in VEL using GW storage.
    • 870Ha of non-gazetted land in Kilinochchi District will have Maha irrigation facilities using augmented water.
    • Provisional 500Ha – 1000 ha of horticultural (Coconut/Mango) development in Yakkachi area or filling all minor tanks in Killinochi District.
    • 10 livestock community schemes 1000Ha to 1500Ha each raring a total of 30,000 goats or 3000 cattle based on 2-3 goats/Ha of fodder supply.
    • 4 no 100 Ha pilot project for Fish / prawn /crab ponds
    • The benefit from agricultural development alone will pay off the investment in less than 10 years. Hence this is a self-funded project. If a business loan is arranged at 4% via  Central Bank of Srilanka business loan facility, it will be paid off in less than 10 years and increase GDP of the nation
    • There are further opportunities for export related industries which will improve the district and regional economies.

13. Are there any other beneficiaries of the project, so that the Rs53.6M burden can be distributed/reduced proportionally?

  • Yes, there are other beneficiaries who can contribute and reduce the burden Rs 53.6M. See Appendix – List of beneficiaries and their benefits . By implementing the VEL regeneration project, the infrastructure could be utilised for the other 10 months, excluding July/August as RFJ, subject to the availability of water even NCP water.

14. Do you have any plan to reduce this Rs 53.6M to be paid to KIA farmers?

  • Yes, the proposed Augmentation system is possibly bringing about 15GL water during Maha and 2GL during Yala through the system, but this water is a mixture of
    • Rainfall run off after effective rainfall use
    • Surface runoff through escapes
    • Base and interflows to drainage streams collected via percolation
    • Farm escape flows to streams
  • Please refer Q5 . This will reduce the burden of 15GL to NIL. Provided the entire augmented water is used within KIA boundary and d/s without going to EPL as a wastewater.
  • The purpose of the provisional augmentation pump 100ML/day is to get the maximum use of 15GL Maha augmentation water. 870Ha of new area requires 6GL + 0.5GL (aqua) + 0.5GL (stock) with a total of 7GL leaving 8GL to be pumped. This corresponds to 100ML/day pump in 100 days irrigation @ 80% utilisation. However, D3 lower system has a command area of 920 ha requires 6.4 GL@ 7ML/ha Maha usage which is < 8GL . Therefore, the capacity of 100 ML/ day needs to be split at two potential location D3 lower crossing and D3 upper crossing system with a potential command area of about 1400ha requires 9.8 GL@ 7ML/ha Maha usage which is > 8GL.
  • Tech Note 5 indicates there is 9.5 GL /annum is available over and beyond CI of 1.5 ( i.e. 8500 ha Maha and 4250 Yala) which is 6.5 GL in table option5 + 3GL water share offer. Therefore , maximum water available for JWS with purchasable water is 5.2 GL over and above Killinochi district development . Also, absolute minimum tradable resources shall be 1.3 GL ( 6.5 – 5.2) to breakeven without JWS and with sweeteners for KIA is 870ha and Secondary projects Stock and Aqua. Effectively more Trading will enhance the use of opportunity water ( spill water and air space water) for more permanent developments as described Yakachi Horticulture area.
  • Decision is Stakeholder’s decision on where to direct water.
  • Even though the Bypass facilities can deliver 7.5GL/month during spill or air space management, VEL cannot hold more than +1.5m aMSL (11 GL) with other Levee considerations. Any additional water available cannot be used unless it is for RFJ or Yakkachi IA or Filling minor tanks in Kilinochchi District. This needs the Thondamanaru barrage level to be lowered without impact on the 15% CAPP.
  • In conclusion No money is paid to KIA farmers.

16. What is the optimum level maintained in VEL to arrest capillary and associated salt loads?

Eng. Maheswaran Technical Note 4 – Groundwater Modelling is in progress and transient model output will be included, however a worst-case scenario constant head model was carried out and the results are as follows:

  • A steady-state constant head (i.e. +0.8m aMSL tide level with the recommended +0.4m aMSL at VEL) using an area between two cross-sections (one at Maruthankerny Road and the other at Mamunai Road) ranging an aquifer width of 2 to 2.5km.
  • Data used SMEC 2006 – Transmissivity and Porosity values of the aquifer through their pump test (Ref J F Punthukey report)
  • DEM data obtained from remote sensing data supplied by Eng Maheswaran for the above two cross sections
  • EC profiling assumptions done by Engineer Sarva at Nilawarrai well and work done by Dr Joshua in 1982.
  • Maximum height of capillary influence is assumed as 2.0 metres
  • Based on Steady flux within this section per annum was calculated
  • Salt load transported was calculated in an average manner ( with tide level variation with time)
  • This information will be included in a Transient Model (Mod flow with time) which will be included in the Technical Report No 4.

If the required resources are more than 15GL, then it would be preferable to keep VEL always above +0.4m aMSL. This is the challenge to have setting the level at VEL against available resources with minimum impact on salt solute transport.

An Operations Guideline for VEL is included as in Q 4.

18. Have the studies been peer reviewed by experts on GW Hydrogeology on the concept of “Quenching capillarity induced salination” and associated land reclamation as documented in this proposal?

  • There are six reviewers currently requested to review the concept and waiting for their outcome. Also, we have sent the executive summary to Institution of Engineers Srilanka – IESL and Chairman of Paddy  Marketing board Dr Mannaumperuma – Ministry of Mahaweli.

    • Eng Maheswaran , NSW State Water, Australia
    • Dr Sivapalan, University of Illinois USA
    • Mr Arunakumar , Hydrogeologist from QLD
    • Engineer Varathan , Retired hydrogeologist, Murray Irrigation, and former ground water Engineer, ID, Jaffna
    • Engineer S.Shanmuganathan – Hydrogeologist, Secretary – Engineering Services NP, Jaffna.
    • Jehangir F Punthakay – ADB Ground Water Modeller Jaffna Peninsula
    • Eng S. Prathapar – Independent water resource consultant
    • Mr IIlankasekare, Head of Environmental Services, College of Mines, Colorado, USA.

20. Why not bring the same water from IT as your proposal is eventually taking stored water from IT during Jul/Aug 15GL with a higher head ?

  • Relative Head is higher than KIA drop off supply ( assume Max level in July, after Yala Irrigation) in IT say 13m aMSL compared to pool weir start level of 9.2 m aMSL.

    Length of pipeline from IT to VEL is approximately 29km

    Cost wise is much more expensive (pipe cost alone for 1400 mm dia pipe is 2.5 times of 3.8 billion. Additionally to meet the hydraulic head of 1.8m at VEL larger pipe diameter will result in enormous cost.

    Furthermore, a free water of 12 GL Maha and 3GL lower quality water is tapped through the conveyance system which will irrigate 870 ha of new land and more.

    This may reduce as KIA farmers become more and more efficient. But there is some excess due to rainfall after effective utilisation in Maha, draining to the pool. All other Consultants proposals are based on this yield downstream of IT.

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